Maintaining your furnace is important to keeping your home comfortable and safe. No matter how reliable a furnace is, it could still require maintenance or repair at some point. Fortunately, most furnace issues are generally simple to prevent or resolve with the help of a professional. Here are some of the usual problems that pop up:
Turning On and Off
When a furnace turns on and off too often, it is not properly cycling to maintain a consistent temperature. This can be caused by various factors, including a malfunctioning thermostat, a blocked or clogged filter, an issue with the blower motor, or a problem with the furnace itself.
If you notice your furnace is regularly cutting off and on before it reaches your desired temperature, it’s a sign that something is wrong. The short cycle feature is when the equipment only runs for a short time before it powers down.
This can be due to inadequate airflow, which can cause the unit to overheat. The safety mechanism will kick in and turn the furnace off to prevent further damage. If a new filter doesn’t do the trick, professionals can take a look and pinpoint the cause of the problem before providing a solution.
Lack of Adequate Heat
Your home’s furnace is designed to provide consistent warmth and make living in your house more comfortable when temperatures drop. There is usually a simple explanation for not working correctly and producing adequate heat. A minor issue is likely causing the furnace to be less efficient than it should be, and the problem can usually be fixed without much trouble.
If your furnace isn’t working properly, it could be due to the fan mode being activated on the thermostat. In this case, the fan will circulate air without warming it up. Additionally, the thermostat may be set to the “cool” setting, preventing the furnace from generating heat. The temperature on the thermostat may also be set too low, making your home too chilly.
Unusual Noises
Most heating systems will produce some sort of sound when in use, such as clicks from the thermostat when the furnace is about to switch on or off. Additionally, you may hear a consistent “whooshing” sound as the air circulates through your home’s ductwork. Bear in mind that some furnaces are noisier than others.
If you hear an unfamiliar noise from your furnace, it may indicate that something is not functioning correctly. Unexpected sounds like rattling or knocking may mean that a component has come loose or that some fuel is still in the chamber after the system has shut off. If this is the case, having a technician inspect and repair your furnace is advisable.
Avoiding Expensive Furnace Issues
To keep your furnace running smoothly, it’s essential to take preventative measures. Check your circuit breaker and thermostat regularly to ensure they are functioning correctly. Additionally, it’s a good idea to contact a professional furnace technician when problems arise. These simple steps can help avoid more serious issues and keep your furnace running optimally.
It’s important not to try and fix any part of your furnace on your own. If you don’t have the necessary experience or knowledge about how to work with HVAC systems, it could be hazardous. Ignoring maintenance can result in small problems becoming more expensive to repair.
Remember that having your furnace checked and serviced before the cold weather sets in is a great idea. Making sure that your furnace is in top condition before the winter season begins is a smart move to make sure that it runs efficiently and safely throughout the season.
Do you need Lennox furnace repair in Toronto? Turn to Lennox Dealers Toronto. We are a Canadian-owned and operated company serving the Durham region, GTA and the surrounding area. We install, service and maintain Lennox® and all major brands of furnaces and air conditioners. Call today!