Sick of your window air conditioner? Before spending money to chill your entire house, you need to understand how a central air conditioning system works.
Air conditioning has changed the way we live and work more than any other technology. Despite being noisy, intrusive, and having low efficiency and cooling capacity, window AC units continue to cool a considerable number of households despite decreasing their general prevalence. Not to mention the struggle involved in putting them in and getting them out twice a year.
In contrast, central air conditioning represents a significant improvement in terms of comfort, peace, and convenience. When properly designed and installed, an indoor and outdoor split system may cool an entire house even on the hottest days, and they do it much more effectively than other types of AC units.
In such a case, Read this manual to learn about the elements that affect how these systems work. You’ll find a ton of helpful information that may guide you along the way.
First of All, How Does a Central AC Unit Work?
The Air Handler
An indoor appliance’s refrigerant expansion valve produces a cold liquid that flows through the evaporator coils. A blower propels air over the coils, warming the refrigerant and converting it into a gas that returns to the condenser.
The Condenser
The heated gaseous refrigerant is drawn from the house, pressurized, and then condensed back into a liquid while a fan cools the coils in this exterior unit.
The Ducts
Simply put, split cooling systems remove heat from your indoor space by using a refrigerant that moves between the condenser and the air handler.
The air handler’s supply ducts distribute cool air to the rooms in the house. Through return ducts, warm air is sent back to the air handler to be filtered and cooled. When properly sized, ducts distribute conditioned air throughout the house quietly and uniformly.
The Register
Each room needs to have these grilles placed, one on the supply duct and the other on the return. On or near the ceiling is the optimal location for supply registers, and on or near the floor is the ideal location for return registers.
A Better Innovation and Comfort
Unprecedented gains in whole-house comfort have been made possible by recent advancements in compressor- and blower-motor technology.
a) Electronically Commutated Motor
A blower with an electronically commutated motor (ECM) ramps up to speed gradually to lessen stress on the motor and conserve energy. To ease worries about frozen coils or a buildup of static pressure in the ducts, it decreases airflow in zoned systems. It also helps to reduce humidity and reduce temperature swings when used with an inverter-controlled compressor.
b) Inverter-Controlled Compressor
All AC compressors used to operate at the same speed, regardless of the amount of cooling necessary. As a result of insufficient humidity removal, there are large temperature changes, high operating expenses, and stuffy indoor air.
The inverter-controlled compressor, which adjusts its speed to meet changing cooling needs, was a true performance gain even if two-speed compressors performed better overall. While keeping the temperature at the thermostat setting, the mechanism removes additional humidity from the air.
It is important to consider various factors before installing a central AC unit. These factors include the size of the unit, the size of your home, the local climate, and the local energy costs. Considering all of these factors will help ensure the best possible experience with your AC unit.
Additionally, it is important to always hire a reputable, licensed professional to install your unit for the best results. With careful consideration and professional installation, you can enjoy the comfort of a central AC unit for many years to come.
If you are looking for a company that installs central air units in Toronto, look no further than our services here at Lennox Dealers Toronto. We install, service and maintain Lennox® and all major brands of furnaces and air conditioners. Call us today, and let us tend to your home’s central AC unit in no time!